Home Infrastructure model – a digital description of the railway

Infrastructure model – a digital description of the railway

An infrastructure model provides a detailed digital description of the railway’s functionality at track level. Several models have been created to reproduce both current and future infrastructure. Railway directorate’s conceptual models for the future are available for everyone in the NorRailView web application.

These functional infrastructure models are mainly used as:

  • Input data in planning of bid development and robustness analyses (simulation)
  • Ensuring the connection between infrastructure development, train services and train materials (dimensioning)
  • Route modelling for tender development traffic packages.
  • Basis for agreements on financing of infrastructure projects, e.g. new signal system

If the models are to be used in other software, they can easily be exported to railML2.4nor or railML3.2 format from NorRailView.

View and download the models on NorRailView

IreferanseAlternativNTP2025-2036Referansealternativ til NTP 2025–2036 – delrapport infrastrukturmodell (PDF)

We recommend reading the documentation before using the model. The documentation is currently only available in Norwegian.

These models may contain errors and should only be treated as indicative information.

The publisher cannot be held responsible for any errors, damages or losses arising from false information.

The infrastructure model for the existing infrastructure is available in Bane NOR’s system TRASÉ.

Access to listed models without an open link and any enquiries may be addressed directly to Senior advisor Torben Brand, e-mail: torben.brand@jernbanedirektoratet.no.